Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What are 5th graders doing?

Just another unfortunate story to validate the research that shows that the average age of the first pornographic exposure is 11 years old. For all you parents that have children about 11 years old, it is not too late to begin discussing the consequences viewing and sharing pornographic images. Please take the time, TODAY, to sit down with your children. Our children are being prosecuted as adults for distributing pornographic images on the computer and cell phones. Do you want your 11 year old child to be registered as a sex offender for the rest of their lives? Be a parent to your child and talk to them about the consequences of viewing this destructive, salacious material.

This news story also confirms, yet again, that filters do not work. Filters are not the answers to keeping pornography out of your child's hands.

Read the story.

This is happening way too often.

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