Monday, April 16, 2012

Porn Harms Events

About twice a year, Morality In Media, sponsors educational events online to help those struggling with pornography or who are interested in getting involved. Take a look at the schedule and find one that you're interested. It will be worth your time.

Tuesday – April 17th

10:30 AM EST – Online Roundtable Discussion With Experts: “Sexploited: 4 Ways Porn Damages Our Culture and 4 Necessary Steps to Bring About Change”

** Organized by Covenant Eyes

1:15 PM EST – Live Online Discussion with Former Congressman Ernest Istook:“Porn In Your Libraries and Schools: What Can Be Done?”

**Organized by Morality In Media on behalf of the Safe Schools, Safe Libraries Project

3:00 PM EST – Live Online Discussion with Addiction and Relationship Experts from POSARC: “How & Why Porn Use Hurts Partners In Such A Deeply Personal Way”

**Organized by Partners of Sex Addicts Resource Center (POSARC)

Wednesday – April 18th

11:00 PM EST – Documentary Streaming: “Somebody’s Daughter: A Journey to Freedom from Pornography”

**Organized by Somebody’s Daughter

Thursday – April 19th

1:00 PM EST – Live Online Discussion with Former Porn Prosecutor: “Why prosecute pornography? What will it take?”

**Organized by Morality In Media, on behalf of the War on Illegal Pornography Coalition

10:30 PM EST – Web Conference Discussion with author Michael Cusick: “Real Men Don’t Buy Sex”

**Organized by Restoring the Soul & Somebody’s Daughter

Friday – April 20th

1:00 PM EST – Online Roundtable Discussion For Wives & Partners of Addicts:“Hope in Heartache: Christian Women Share Stories of Love Lost Due to Pornography”

**Organized by Covenant Eyes

2:00 PM EST - Live Online Discussion with Former Porn Performer Shelley Lubben: “Trafficking in the industry! What they don’t want you to know.”

**Organized by The Pink Cross Foundation

Saturday – April 21st

10:00 AM EST - - Documentary Streaming: “Demand: A Comparative Examination of Sex Tourism and Trafficking in Jamaica, Japan, the Netherlands, and the United States”

**Organized by Shared Hope International

1:00 PM EST - Live Online Discussion with Former Porn Performer and Husband: “Love After Porn: Pastor’s Son Rescues Porn Star”

**Organized by The Pink Cross Foundation

Sunday – April 22nd

10:00 AM EST - Online Presentation with Internet Safety Expert: “Creating a Healthy Digital Climate”

**Organized by iKeepSafe

Monday – April 23rd

Noon EST - Documentary Streaming: “Somebody’s Daughter: A Journey to Freedom from Pornography”

**Organized by Somebody’s Daughter

Tuesday – April 24th

7:00 PM EST - Live Online Discussion: “Recovering Teens Speak About Their Struggles with Porn Addiction”

**Organized by Voices for Virtue & Sons of Helaman

Thursday – April 26th

1:00 PM EST - Live Online Presentation with Porn Addiction Expert and Life-Coach Tony Lister: “Straight Talk: Porn’s Real Effect On Relationships and Attitudes Towards Women”

**Organized by Tony Lister and Morality In Media

Sunday – April 29th

10:00 PM EST - Documentary Streaming: “Somebody’s Daughter: A Journey to Freedom from Pornography”

**Organized by Somebody’s Daughter

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

AZ Law Passed to Protect Children in Schools and Libraries

The Arizona legislature recently passed a law that updates and requires among other things:
1. Libraries and schools to have filters on their internet.
2. Requires a community input meeting on how to update filters and other
safety techniques every three years.
3. If libraries and schools are not compliant with any provisions in this law,
they may lose funding, if the concerns are not brought into compliance.

A special thank you to Representative Steve Court for working with us on this law.

It is fantastic that the bill was made law, but the most important part comes now. Parents have often come to us with stories of their children encountering illegal obscene material while at schools or libraries. Then they often shrug their shoulders and go on.

Now that there is a law passed, parents have recourse. But they must report it to the school or library. Then the institution can be aware and try to comply and make their system better. They must comply. It is the law.

There is help for parents, if the parents will participate. With this law in place, we can work together to make Arizona's libraries and schools safe places for our children.