Friday, April 3, 2009

Raise your voice to defend medical professionals' choice to practice according to their beliefs

Contact the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (email address:, or call the White House (202-456-1111) to express your concerns over Pres. Obama's proposal to rescind the conscience rule.

The conscience rule allows healthcare workers to refuse to perform services (like abortion) that conflict with their deeply-held, personal, religious beliefs. If this is rescinded, medical professionals could lose their jobs or could have their professional licenses revoked for refusing to perform these kinds of services.

As a society, we need medical professionals who have the courage to live according to their beliefs! We need their compassion, their integrity, their dignity, their medical skills, their experience, and their passion for their jobs! The liberties and freedoms championed by the United States of America should allow private citizens to perform their occupations according to their religious beliefs.
Public comment on this issue will be taken until April 9- . . . . . just a few more days for you to take the opportunity to let your voice be heard.

For more information look at these websites:

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