Wednesday, March 18, 2009

David Ogden Is Confirmed

Although we expected David Ogden to get a majority of votes in the Senate, it was still a disappointing day to all those who believe pornography is destructive and harmful. Ogden's past clearly demonstrates that he will be sympathetic to pornographers since he has close ties to them by representing them. I have low expectations in that Ogden will not prosecute obscenity and he will not uphold the existing obscenity laws. This was a step back for families.

Both Jon Kyl and John McCain voted for David Ogden. This seems very out of character for both Senators. I have personally met with Jon Kyl and discussed his commitment to fighting pornography. I have called and emailed both senators for an explanation of their vote. I will keep you updated when I receive a response.

If you want to find out more information how each senator voted check here.

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