Saturday, January 10, 2009

Bailing out the Porn Industry?!

Sometimes you think you've heard it all. . . but this one takes the cake!

Brent Bozell III reports that:

. . . Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt and "Girls Gone Wild" DVD king Joe Francis issued a press release calling on the 111th Congress to "provide a financial bailout for the adult entertainment industry along the lines of what is being sought by the Big Three automakers."

Flynt insists it is time for Congress to restart "the sexual appetite of America," and his product is more important than cars: "People are too depressed to be sexually active," Flynt laments. "This is very unhealthy as a nation. Americans can do without cars and such, but they cannot do without sex."

They are asking for $5 billion. They are also asking for a whole lot of publicity, too. Those sleazy CEO tongues were clearly in their cheeks, since the press release carried the headline "The $13 Billion Industry Is In No Fear of Collapse, But Why Take Chances?"

And if you don't believe it, you can read more here.

Porn Industry Seeks Federal Bailout

Porn Kings Help Us Through Hard Times

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