Wednesday, September 17, 2008

McDonald's Does It Again

A document shows McDonald's requested a 10% "group discount" to a recent pro-homosexual training seminar.

The conference, held in Austin, TX, was designed to train employees how to effectively advance homosexuality in the workplace and to persuade top corporate officials to embrace the lifestyle by offering special recognition and benefits to gay employees.

For example, McDonald's health benefits package includes full coverage for sex-change procedures, post-operative recovery, and mental health counseling throughout the process.

VERY IMPORTANT. Call your local McDonald's. Speak with the manager. Tell him or her (in a polite manner) that you will be boycotting McDonald's until they stop promoting the homosexual agenda, including homosexual marriage. To find the phone number of your nearest McDonald's, click here. Enter your zip code and click "Enter," then click the "Visit/Apply" link for your store, then click the "Click Here to see what's happening at the restaurant" link. The phone number will appear.

From AFA Action Alert

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