Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Contact Presidential Candidates

If you haven’t done so already (or haven’t gotten an answer yet), please contact the Candidate(s) of your choice and ask them where they stand on enforcement of federal obscenity laws.

America’s Independent Party (Alan Keyes):
Constitution Party (Chuck Baldwin):
Democratic Party (Barack Obama):
Green Party (Cynthia McKinney):
Libertarian Party (Bob Barr):
Ralph Nader:
Republican Party (John McCain):

Here is some suggested language (long & short versions):

Despite the fact that there are federal obscenity laws on the books that have been upheld by the Supreme Court, hardcore pornographic materials continue to proliferate, especially on the Internet. Among other things, obscene materials tarnish our national image, destroy marriages, and corrupt children. They also contribute to sexual exploitation of children, to trafficking in women and children and to rape. What is your position on enforcement of federal obscenity laws? If elected, will you do all in your power to see that these laws are vigorously enforced? The American people deserve an honest answer to these questions.

Action Alert from Morality In Media

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