Tuesday, July 29, 2008

McCain and Obama on Decency

Representatives of both McCain and Obama said, at a recent Washington forum, that their candidate would not support the FCC to bring more attention to broadcast indecency. This was in regards to the latest Janet Jackson scandal at the Super Bowl half-time show.

Why is there not a candidate who will stand up for morality and decency? Why do we have to fight for every act of indecency to be punished? It is ridiculous that CBS, Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake are being let off the hook for this horrendous act that 90 million people were subjected to. By not fining these entities, I have lost my choice. Now, there is a precedent set and it's only a matter of time before I am exposed to obscenity again. I want a choice whether or not to view this harmful, degrading, disgusting filth.

And I choose not to.

Click here to read.

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