Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Free, National, Wireless, Broadband Service

Sounds good, right? Not if 22 public interest groups have their way.

The FCC is exploring the idea to have free, national, wireless, broadband Internet service. A public auction would be held for bidders to win a zone. The winning bidder must have 95% of the United States covered in 10 years. The Internet providers would make money from ad revenue.

These 22 groups are not concerned with the wireless Internet service. They are concerned that the FCC would require filters on the service.

"The auction winner must provide a feature that "filters or blocks images and text that constitute obscenity or pornography and, in context, as measured by contemporary community standards and existing law, any images or text that otherwise would be harmful to teens and adolescents." The outline defines teens and adolescents as "children 5 through 17 years of age."

The Center for Democracy and Technology uses the same old argument that this violates the First Amendment.

I still believe the Internet Community Ports Act drafted by the CP80 Foundation is the most comprehensive solution to Internet pornography. Watch a video here, then click on CP80 Internet Channel Initiative.

Read for yourself.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

McCain and Obama on Decency

Representatives of both McCain and Obama said, at a recent Washington forum, that their candidate would not support the FCC to bring more attention to broadcast indecency. This was in regards to the latest Janet Jackson scandal at the Super Bowl half-time show.

Why is there not a candidate who will stand up for morality and decency? Why do we have to fight for every act of indecency to be punished? It is ridiculous that CBS, Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake are being let off the hook for this horrendous act that 90 million people were subjected to. By not fining these entities, I have lost my choice. Now, there is a precedent set and it's only a matter of time before I am exposed to obscenity again. I want a choice whether or not to view this harmful, degrading, disgusting filth.

And I choose not to.

Click here to read.


Quiznos continues to advertise on the immoral and indecent CBS show Swingtown. Please write Quiznos and encourage them to advertise elsewhere.

Several companies have pulled their advertisers dollars from Swingtown. Your help is appreciated!

Contact Quizno:

The Quizno's Masters LLC - Quiznos subs
Richard Schaden - Chairman, President, CEO
1475 Lawrence St., Ste. 400
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: 720-359-3300
Toll-free: 800-335-4782
Fax: 720-359-3399

Presidential Candidates on Preserving Marriage

The battle for the preservation of marriage will surely be affected by whoever wins the presidential election this November. The new president will appoint Supreme Court justices and depending on those appointees, the delicate balance of the current court – now slightly more conservative since President Bush appointed John Roberts – would shift.On the issue of same-sex “marriage” the views of McCain versus Obama are different and could make a huge difference. The real differences in their opinions on preserving marriage are:
McCain says he believes that each state should be able to decide the issue and he respects the voice of voters. In addition, he supports the federal DOMA law which protects states from having to recognize same-sex “marriages” from other states. While he currently does not support a federal marriage amendment, he has said he would consider it if more states began to mandate same-sex “marriage” through the courts.
Obama says he supports “equal” benefits (refers to them as civil rights) and unions for same-sex couples. He also says he wants to REPEAL DOMA. Lastly he was quoted saying he “respects” the decision of the California Supreme Court”; who usurped the authority of over 4 million citizens of California who voted to protect marriage through proposition 22.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Register To Vote

Please take the time to register to vote. The deadline to register to vote for the September Primary is August 4th.

Click here to register.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

AZ Voting Guide

The Center For Arizona Policy has created a website that is a great resource and very informative for the upcoming November election. Please get informed and vote! This is such a critical election.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

ISP Shutting Down Child Porn

After an 8 month investigation, detectives found 88 news groups devoted to child porn. NY Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo announced that AOL Time-Warner, Sprint, Verizon and AT&T will shut down all 88 news groups and all child pornography on their web servers.

This is a major victory for decency and morality.

Please thank the ISPs:
AT&T (210) 821-4105
Time Warner (212) 484-8000
AOL Email Feedback
Sprint Email Feedback (800) 877-4646
Verizon Email Feedback

To read more click here.
Thank you Liberty Council for your work. We appreciate you!

Something To Think About

If you haven't signed up for the email alerts from the Parents Television Council, I suggest you do. I recently did and have been very impressed with their motivation to clean up the television. Here is part of today's email alert:

Media Quote of the Week:

"In our personal lives and in our communities, we can encounter a hostility, something dangerous; a poison which threatens to corrode what is good...[such as] the exaltation of violence and sexual degradation, often presented through television and the internet as entertainment. I ask myself, could anyone standing face to face with people who actually do suffer violence and sexual exploitation 'explain' that these tragedies, portrayed in virtual form, are considered merely 'entertainment'?" -- Pope Benedict XVI, speaking at World Youth Day, Sydney, Australia (, July 17, 2008)

Statistic of the Week:

According to a 2007 Yankelovich poll, 80% of parents think children are being exposed to too much sexual content on TV. (, June 19, 2008)

My thought- If 80% of parents think this, then where is everybody? With a grassroots effort, we can change this.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Call Harry Reid

Harry Reid is responsible for not bringing to vote The Protecting Children from Indecent Programming Act, S. 1780. This Act would give the FCC responsibility to penalize broadcasters for indecent programming.

Please call (866-736-7327) and email Harry Reid and ask him to bring this to vote. You can also contact your own senator to pressure Sen. Reid to bring this to vote.

To read more, click here.
or from Concerned Women.

COPA Declared Unconstitutional

The 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals decided that the Child Online Protection Act (COPA) was unconstitutional declaring that it was overly broad, vague and violated the First Amendment.

COPA was designed specifically to protect children from obscene materials online. However, Chris Hansen with the ACLU said that Congress repeatedly tries to restrict speech on the Internet far more than books or magazines.

Others believed that filters are better at protecting children than the law. We all know this is wrong. Filters are easily circumvented and do not protect children from Internet predators who are specifically targeting children. There has to be a 3 pronged approach: legislation, Internet governance and technology.

Read the story:
Associated Press
PC Magazine

Put Us On Your Blog

Please put a link on your blog or website to ours. We want to make this a grassroots effort to support traditional families and values.

Also, if you have the time, please comment on our blog. We value your feedback.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Protecting Children from Indecent Programming Act

On July 12, 2008 the Protecting Children from Indecent Programming Act ( Bill # S.1780) was introduced into the Senate. The American Family Association website says the Act will:

Amend the Public Telecommunications Act of 1992 to require the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), in applying regulations prohibiting the broadcasting of indecent programming, to maintain a policy that a single word or image may constitute indecent programming.

Go to this link to find out if your senator is sponsoring/cosponsoring the Act.

Email and call Jon McCain to tell him thank you for cosponsoring. (You can also click on this link to find other senators.)

Monday, July 21, 2008

AZ Policy Blog

In the next few months there will be several articles on the marriage amendment. PLEASE take the time to comment on these articles. We must show the media that we are powerful and concerned.

Here is a blog entry. Please comment.

Activist Judges. . .again

At the 2004 Super Bowl Halftime Show, 90 million people viewed Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction." The FCC fined CBS $550,000 for indecency. CBS appealed the fine. Today, the 3rd US Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed the fine saying the FCC acted "arbitrarily and capriciously."

Tim Winter, president of the Parents Television Council said,
"If a striptease during the Super Bowl in front of 90 million people — including millions of children — doesn’t fit the parameters of broadcast indecency, then what does?”

To read more about this disturbing ruling, click here.
Click here for another article.

Send an email to your senators.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

AZ Marriage Website

A temporary website is up for Arizona voters. Please sign up for the email newsletter.

We must be proactive about this. We can not let activist judges determine the definition of marriage.

The amendment is 1 sentence. It says- marriage is defined between a man and a woman.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Election Workers Needed

Maricopa County Recorder, Helen Purcell, sent out a press release regarding the high demand for election workers. Of the 1142 precints in Maricopa, over 630 precincts are in need of workers. Election workers can be as young as 16 years old. They also are in need of over 800 bi-lingual workers.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Marriage amendment in CA, and across the nation

California Supreme Court Upholds the People’s Right to Vote on Marriage in Upcoming Election.
Visit the California Marriage Amendment website, to learn about this ruling and all the work leading up to the November vote on the CA marriage amendment. Donate at to help the effort in CA.

The Family Research Council has conducted a poll with voters across the US to find how their feelings about a state marriage amendment translate to their votes in the upcoming presidential elections. Many people in the USA - Democrats and Republicans- share the same concerns we have. " Overall, voters are more likely to support a candidate who supports statewide
amendments to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman."

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Sunday night on KTAR 92.3, radio host Jay Lawrence opened the phone lines to discuss the AZ Marriage Amendment. The phone lines were jammed as people shared their opinions on whether or not gay marriages were harmful.

I tried several times to get through, but to no avail.

When the media is discussing marriage and the effects, it is our responsibility to call in and express our opinion. We want the media to know that there is a lot of support for marriage between a man and women. The other side is very good at getting media coverage. We must do the same.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Fantastic Article on Marriage

Tribune columnist Linda Turley-Hansen wrote a great article in support of marriage and the AZ Marriage Amendment.

We need good people everywhere to take this seriously. If nothing else, get people to the poles to vote in November!

After you read this, make sure to post a comment. Our support for this needs to be loud!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

A Must Read

Alan Sears who is with Alliance Defense Fund in Scottsdale has written a thought provoking article on 'Pornography Pretensions.'

One of my favorite lines from the article is:

In truth, no thoughtful legal mind honestly believes that child pornography or hard core obscenity is something the Founding Fathers wanted to actually protect when they penned the First Amendment.

Everything always comes back to money. It is the reason why people are distributing such filth.

Friday, July 11, 2008


The other day at dinner time, I received a phone call from a national polling center. I always hang up on polls. However, this time I wanted to see if it was about any of the issues I was concerned with. After the taking the time to complete the poll, it made me realize something.

I need to ALWAYS take the time to answer polls.

Polls are on every major news station, every day. Most every news story that deals with elections also includes the latest polling numbers. If I hang up, my voice will never be heard. Only those 'liberal' points of view will be televised each day. I do not want my conservative voice to be lost, because I did not take 5 minutes to take a poll.

Dannon Update

On the July 10th CBS show Swingtown, Dannon pulled their ads from this deplorable show. Thank you Dannon!

Hyundai is the last national corporate advertiser for Swingtown. Please email Hyundai and ask them to put their advertising dollars into family friendly TV shows.

Thank you One Million Moms for the courage to stand for family values!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Dannon Yogurt and Swingtown

CBS aires the TV show Swingtown which displays very offensive scenes. Among such scenes are:
1. Kids doing drugs and looking at po*n magazines.
2. A high school teacher having a relationship with a student.
3. Adults doing drugs and having group se*.
4. Women going on a tirade about obscenity enforcement (They have a fundraising party for a po*n star).

All of that in only 1 episode.

After repeated attempts to get Dannon to quit advertising during the show, Dannon continues to support and endorse Swingtown.

Please send a letter to Dannon to let them know of your disapproval.

Thank you One Million Moms for bringing this to our attention!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Child Slavery

Tuesday, July 8 on ABC's Nightline will air a story on buying child slaves in Haiti for $150.

Daniel Weiss with Focus on the Family Action said regarding this, "People in the U.S. need to realize that we're contributing to this problem worldwide. Our country is one of the chief exporters of pornography. The message in pornography is that people are objects, to be bought and sold, or thrown away. It shouldn't surprise us when we see a country living this out, as we see in Haiti."

"If we want to get serious about tackling this problem worldwide,
we need to get serious about our problems here at home - our cultural acceptance of pornography."

For more information visit the Nightline website.

GOP Candidates Forum

Several GOP candidates are expected to speak at a Maricopa County Republican forum at 6:30 p.m. on July 16 at Legend Springs School in Glendale.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio, County Attorney Andrew Thomas, Assessor Keith Russell, Treasurer Hos Hoskins, Recorder Helen Purcell and school-superintendent candidate Don Covey are among those planning to attend.

Let's show our support and concern for some of the things threatening our families like the marriage amendment and pornography.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy 4th Everyone!

In case you don't receive email updates from Glen Beck, I wanted to share some his 4th of July comments.

It's the same thing with the state of our union. This July 4th we're facing some of the toughest times in our recent history. Not only does the corn on the cob cost a lot more than last year, but the drive to the grocery store is so have to think of it like a mini vacation. America may be on the ropes, but don't you dare count her out. I saw the last "Rocky" movie the other day, and there's a line that Balboa says to his son that nicely sums up our situation. He says, "It's not how hard you hit, it's how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." You said it Rock--that's America. From the time we declared our independence through the 232 years that have brought us to today, it's never been easy. We've been hit hard and dropped to the canvas once or twice, but we never stayed there for long. Yes, we've had some friends help us along the way, but the one thing that has always gotten us back on our feet is each other. "We the people" are still our best hope, so whether it's gas prices, the financial markets, or the rising price of corn on the cob, we'll take it on the chin and keep moving forward.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Federal Marriage Amendment

Sen. Roger Wicker R-Miss has reintroduced a federal marriage amendment into the Senate. It states that

"Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman."

We will not let children be the victims in same sex marriages. This is one issue that we cannot let each state decide. This must be a federal law. Email your senator to support this amendment.

AZ Sen Jon Kyl and call (602) 840-1891
AZ Sen Jon McCain and call 602-952-2410

Email Sen Roger Wicker and thank him for his courage to stand up for family values.

Email and call for the best results.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Click here to sign a petition to the FCC to support a clean Internet option

FCC Chairman Kevin Martin has proposed an auction of unused airwaves to establish the first-ever free nationwide wireless Internet service--on the condition the winning company creat a network free of pornography.

This is a great option for all of us searching for a way to bring safe Internet into our homes and wireless devices.

Please let the FCC know that there is a group--a big loud group of people-- who want an option for clean Internet.

This issue can be discussed as early as their July meeting, so please sign the petition now!