Monday, June 30, 2008

Home Invasion

If you haven't read the book Home Invasion by Rebecca Hagelin, I highly recommend it. It will motivate you to protect your family and give you some great insights. You can order it here on her website.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

AZ Marriage Amendment did pass Friday



Tonight the Arizona Senate agreed with the Arizona House of Representatives and voted to refer a state constitutional amendment on the definition of marriage on the November ballot.

What a wonderful victory! The people of Arizona will be able to decide the future of marriage and not judges as happened in California.

In November the following proposed constitutional amendment will be before the voters:
"Only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state."

Please thank your Senators- Karen Johnson voted YES! Thank you Karen and all the other senators who voted to put this on the ballot.

and Representatives

who voted to give the people the final say on the definition of marriage and place it safely in our constitution.

Hard work must be done in the months ahead to protect the sanctity of marriage. Please join CWA of Arizona and the rest of the Marriage Coalition to encourage people to vote and successfully pass this Amendment.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

freedom of speech

"Freedom of Speech:" The oft referred to 1st amendment called on to justify so many actions that tear down families, trample morals, and glamorize self-serving indulgences.
-----Re-reading the first amendment reminded me of the deeper purpose of "freedom of speech" and the responsiblity that I have to exercise my right!

First Amendment

Freedom of religion and "freedom of speech" included in the same amendment? Today's cries for "freedom of speech!" rarely include religion.

In reading the first amendment, I observed "freedom of speech and freedom of press" as tools we've been given to ensure our government allows freedom of religion, and to insist our government remains a servant of the people.

Each of us needs to speak out, express, and communicate our values, morals, and beliefs! They are being challenged at every level of legislative, judicial, and executive government. Each of us should make use of the "Freedom of speech" we've been afforded by the sacrifice and comittment of the founding fathers and many since.

We have definitely seen the right to "freedom of speech"enlarged, expanded, and exalted in recent history. This doesn't change the obligation we each have to use "freedom of speech", as guaranteed by the divinely inspired U.S. Constitution, to preserve religious freedoms and beliefs and insist that the branches of our government serve the will of the people.
Many single voices, united, will catch the attention of our lawmakers, and our nation!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Thank You, Jeff Flake

When you email your elected officials, they listen. About 2 weeks ago we asked Rep. Jeff Flake to co sponsor a bill that closes loopholes to sell sexually explicit materials on military bases.

Jeff has agreed to co sponsor this bill!

Email Jeff and thank him for standing up for decency!

AZ Elections

All AZ Senate and House members are up for election this year. Each member can only serve 2 years and then must run for office again. They can only serve a total of 4 years. After they serve the 4 year term limit, they can then run for the other side.

Here is a listing of all those who are running this November.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Obscene Materials In Libraries

Today I emailed our library to find out what their policy is on viewing obscene materials in the library.

Here are my questions and their responses.

Here is some other information they sent me.
Internet Acceptable and Unacceptable Use Behaviors
Internet Acceptable Public Use Policy

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Value Voters Summit 2008

The Value Voters Summit is in Washington D.C. in September. This summit will help voters deal with current issues including how to defend marriage. Last year they had almost 2,600 people attend from 49 states and countries.

Click here for more information.

Barnes & Noble Petition

An 11 year old boy was exposed to an obscene book while shopping at Barnes & Noble. Why is Barnes & Noble selling such a horrific book that has pornographic images? If they sell these books, they need to lock them up. Children (and adults) need to be protected from these types of images.
If you read the article, there are some graphic descriptions.
Read the story.
Sign a BN petition.

Kozinski Update

Federal Judge Alex Kozinski has stepped down from the obscenity trial in California. Please pray that a moral, conservative judge will replace him and uphold the 1st Amendment and obscenity laws.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Judge Alex Kozinski

In California there is a closely watched obscenity trial underway. It's the classic story- is pornography art or obscene? Hours of the most vulgar type of pornography are about to be viewed by jurors.

The federal judge in the trial is Alex Kozinski of the US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. The judge is known to be a staunch supporter of the 1st Amendment. He believes pornography is a form of freedom of speech. Furthermore, his personal website was just found with several horrible pornography pictures. He agreed that he put some pictures on there. Then, he blamed his son for putting pictures on there. This is not acceptable for our judges to upholding this standard. There is a clear conflict of interest.

We are waiting to hear if he will be removed from this trial.

Here are a few press releases from interested organizations regarding the trial:
Girls Against Porn
Vision America
Concerned Women For America


I ran across a few quotes that I really like and wanted to share. Just maybe, it might motivate someone to stand and let their voice be heard!!

"Things don't go wrong and break your heart so you can become bitter and give up. They happen to break you down and build you up so you can be all that you were intended to be."
-- Samuel Johnson

"Our Lives Begin To End the Day We Become Silent About Things That Matter."
-Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Guard your families against pornography, which nowadays under various forms affects people's minds, especially those of children and young people. Defend the purity of morals in your homes and in society. The purer families are, the healthier the nation will be."
-Pope John Paul II (1999-Poland)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Free and Strong America

Have you heard of Free and Strong America ?( This is a recently formed Political Action Committee that endorses principles and goals I believe in. Their purpose is to financially support and elect candidates across the US who will represent their principles and beliefs. Political Action Committees (PAC) receive and raise money from individuals and groups that share common principles, then donate to political campaigns on behalf of all of those who have contributed.

We know we need to unite our voices and dollars with those across the nation who feel the same way we do. Only through united efforts representing many,many,many individuals across this country will our concerns be acknowledged and our nation begin to respond.

Let us know what you think, or if you've heard of other national efforts we can support.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Get Active!

I know you all care about what direction the country is going in.  We all want our children to be raised in a country that is safe, good, and a place where free enterprise flourishes.  
However, we have a problem.  Because we aren't a special interest group or a lobbying group back in DC, sometimes the politicians forget that the good old hard working, family-oriented, value-based people are the ones that got them elected in the first place.  And we are the ones on which this country gets all of its strength, heart, and character.
I know we all have busy lives.  We do too.  We put everything we have into raising our family to the Lord.  Because we love our children so much, sometimes things have to be moved up in the priority list, and being politically active and aware is one of these things that has to happen now.  The families of America are losing their voice because they aren't using it loud enough and unitedly.  Gay rights groups, environmental groups, hollywood and the porn industry are the ones who are making the laws right now.  Because we are doing nothing, they have the power.

Gay-rights groups are organized and waiting for any chance to tear marriage as we know it apart.  Is that ok with you?  Socialism in every way is on the lips of our leading candidates.  Is that ok with you?  The technology and the porn industry have lobbyists that are paid millions to make sure that everything and anything of the most vile, dark, depraved, evil content can be accessed and pushed upon the young children.  Is that ok with you?

My little family and I can run around until our heads fall off, but we have to be joined by people who are really willing to do a few things to have our voices heard.  It is not enough just to vote anymore.  You must pay attention to what is going on around and be willing to send a few emails, talk to a few people, make a few phone calls, watch the news and read the papers, comment online and in the newspapers, go to a few meetings, and financially support candidates who will stand for a free and strong America.
Political power takes numbers!  Numbers of people who are really willing to act!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Arizona Marriage Amendment June 5 Meeting

I attended a small meeting last night organized by Concerned Women for America addressing the proposed Arizona Marriage Amendment for the Nov. 2008 ballot. We learned from Sally Mikesell, CWA of AZ State Director, that the bill has passed the house and bill SCR1038 is waiting to be introduced and voted on by the AZ senate.

  • Sally suggested we call, write, e-mail or visit our state senator and respectfully ask them to support this bill and help bring it to a vote, if possible. She also suggested we thank them for all of their work on our behalf during this legislative session.
  • Senator Bee has indicated he will bring this bill to a vote after the state budget has been resolved. Pray that he will introduce this bill before this legislative session ends.
  • Concerned Women for America, United Families, CAP, and others have formed an Arizona Marriage Coalition and have worked to get this bill through the house, currently work to push this bill through the senate, and hopefully, will continue to work to get the amendment passed by Arizona voters in November. They will need financial support.
  • We will continue to research and see if there is anything else we can do to help get this amendment on the November ballot.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Email Jeff Flake

Please email Rep Jeff Flake to cosponsor the Military Honor and Decency Act (HR 5821). This act is being sponsored by Rep. Paul Broun (Georgia). As of a week ago, they only had 17 cosponsors. They should have about 150. We want Arizona to be counted as a state that stands for decency. We need to support our troops and not smother them with obscene materials while they are honorably serving our country.

Broun's legislation, the "Military Honor and Decency Act," closes a loophole in current law that is allowing the sale of sexually explicit material on American military installations located both within the United States and around the world. Although the "National Defense Authorization Act of 1997" expressly prevents the Secretary of Defense from permitting the sale or rental of sexually explicit material on property under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense (DoD), subsequent regulations adopted by the Department of Defense have continued to allow the sale of sexually explicit material to occur. Congressman Broun's legislation closes these existing loopholes in DoD regulations to bring the Department into compliance with the intent of the 1997 law so that taxpayers will not be footing the costs of distributing pornography. (courtesy Bill Johnson)

Contact Jeff Flake here.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

AZ Marriage Amendment

The marriage amendment has passed the House. We are waiting for the Senate to pass this in order for the voters to decide in November. This battle must be fought and won here in Arizona.

The Arizona chapter of Concerned Women for America is having an urgent meeting on June 5th. I know this is late notice, but please try to make it. CWA is a very powerful organization.

When: Thursday June 5, 2008 10:00-11:30a.m.
(Complimentary snacks and beverages)
Where: 1811 E. Oxford Dr. Tempe, AZ 85283

When: Thursday June 5, 2008 6:30-8:00 p.m.
(Complimentary sandwiches and beverages)
Where: Freestone Recreation Center 1141 E. Guadalupe Rd. Gilbert, AZ 85324
Child care is provided at the Center for children 18mos.-7yrs at $2.00 per hour

We need to support this!!

I heard there is another meeting on June 25th. I will find out more info and see if we show more support.

Napolitano Rejects Abstinence Funding

Earlier this year Governor Napolitano rejected federal money to fund a curriculum for educating youth and eliminated youth about STD's and teen pregnancy.

This decision goes against the positive results that have come from this program. The AZ teen pregnancy rate dropped about 23% after the first 5 years of this program. Then in 2005, the pregnancy rate dropped 31%. With such staggering results, why is the governor rejecting money to educate and support this program? The only sure way to prevent STD's and pregnancy is to abstain from premarital sex.

You can contact the governor and voice your support for this program.

1. Abstinence education is the healthiest choice for both physical and emotional health.
2. Numerous studies verify that abstinence education is working
3. Parents and teens want a strong abstinence message for youth
4. Abstinence education deserves continued funding
5. Communities should have a choice. The content of sex education should be a matter of community choice (local control), so it's important that a separate funding source (Title V) be maintained for those communities that want their youth to receive abstinence education.
(courtesy UFI)

Office of Governor Janet Napolitano

1700 West Washington-101A
Phoenix, Arizona 85007

Telephone: (602) 542-1318
Toll Free 1(800) 253-0883
Fax: (602) 542-1381
E-mail address:

National Marriage Protection Amendment of 2008

Due to the recent actions of the court in California and the governor of New York, it makes sense to pursue a Federal Marriage Protection Amendment.

Contact your national representatives and ask them to sponsor H.J. RES. 89. (Click on the American Family Association link for a form to send to your congressman.)

We need to ask for and shout support for protection and respect for the institution of marriage. This does not deny others' their rights or freedoms. This would insure the protection of our rights and freedoms, and those of our children. Activist courts and liberal media should not have the power to change the definition of marriage.